Automatic Leak Testing (ALT) and Helium Recovery Systems (HRS)
Fast and accurate leak testing
- saving you up to 98% of your helium cost
- fast and accurate leak testing
- operate under higher pressures
- fully automated
- 6-18 months ROI
ULVAC Automatic Leak Testing (ALT) and Helium Recovery Systems (HRS) provide fast and accurate leak testing while saving you up to 98% of your helium cost by recovering and reusing helium.
Our ALT systems test parts that deform, operate under higher pressures and can be fully automated to reduce human error and increase efficiency.
While the ULVAC HRS guarantees a 6-18 months ROI and is easily retrofittable. Contact ULVAC for your free Helium and Leak Test audit today.
Special Features / Further Applications
- A stable test environment and uniform test conditions every time
- Accurate and Repeatable test results => 3.2×10-5 Pa・m3/S
- Cycle time => Dual station 18s/pc, single station 28s/pc
- He Recovery Rate => 15000 wheels can be tested by 1 bottle of Helium
- He-charging Pressure 0.2-0.4MPa
- Fully automatic, can operate 24hours
- The systems can be constructed using ULVAC vacuum components
- ULVAC’s internal resources have over 50 years vacuum experience and proven manufacturer with over 35 years of ALT experience
- Value for the end user of ULVAC Products: Lower initial investment / lower running costs / complete spare parts support / International
- Global company with worldwide experience in service and support capability