Mission Statement – ULVAC’s Philosophy
The vision for ULVAC GmbH is to engage with strategic European customers, forming the foundation for the expansion of ULVAC in Europe.
Our mission for the UG team is to insure both Internal (UJ), as well as, External Customer Satisfaction, while creating a profitable business model. At the same time we will provide a Communication and Technology “bridge” for ULVAC into Europe.
Finally, our strategy will be to target partners where ULVAC’s product strengths and EU market requirements best align.

Having been appointed president and CEO of ULVAC in July 2017, I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude for the unfailing and generous support provided by our customers, employees, and business partners.
Back in 1952, ULVAC was still a fledgling venture that had just been founded by young engineers aspiring to contribute to industrial and scientific advancement through the use of vacuum technologies with the financial support of six angel investors.
While continuing to cherish the entrepreneurial spirit that it has embraced since its establishment, ULVAC remains committed to creating new value by pursuing cutting-edge innovation for our vacuum technologies. To this end, our company works hand-in-hand with manufacturers in a wide range of industries to deliver products that are employed in not only liquid-crystal flat-panel displays, semiconductors, and electronic components, but also the types of machinery used in the automotive, food, pharmaceutical, and other general industries.
Currently, we are expanding our investment in the development of systems for the manufacture of OLED panels for smartphones and liquid crystal panels for large-screen televisions.
Furthermore, the demand for large-scale data processing is continuing to grow as autonomous cars begin transporting people and an ever increasing range of devices interact via the Internet of Things (IoT). In line with these developments, the advanced memories, sensors, communication devices, power devices, battery.
Owing to this fast-changing world with its rapid advancements in technological innovation, the business opportunities for us to effectively apply our vacuum technologies are expanding.
The share of ULVAC’s consolidated sales that is accounted for by overseas sales has already reached 60%, and this has mainly been led by the East Asian market. While continuing to grow our business in Western and Southeast Asian countries, we intend to further expand our global business operations by venturing into emerging markets.
The ULVAC Group employs a unique business approach to offer comprehensive solutions for a wide range of industries by mobilizing its rich variety of vacuum technologies. Examples of products that employ these technologies include vacuum equipment, components, materials, and analytical instruments, as well as a broad range of customer solutions.
ULVAC responds to ongoing changes dynamically and harnesses the new business opportunities that they present by leveraging the group’s collective strength and capacity for innovation to swiftly cater to customer needs in a variety of fields. In doing this, we aspire to act as the driving force behind industrial and scientific advancement with the aim of ushering in a flourishing future.
I hope that we will be able to count on the continued support of all our stakeholders going forward.
Striving for the ULtimate in VACuum technology
Since its foundation in 1952, ULVAC’s corporate philosophy has been the aim of “contributing to the evolution of industries and sciences by using vacuum technologies” and it found a large support by customers in electronics and many other industries worldwide.
Along with this philosophy I am proud of and pleased that I can contribute to my customers located in one of the most important markets, Europe.
Today ULVAC has numerous satisfied customers all over the world and provides a broad spectrum of products from small vacuum components and high performance materials over measuring and analyzing instruments up to large vacuum production equipments and additionally, offers research guidance and technical advising on vacuum technologies in general.
As European branch of the ULVAC Group it is our mission to be the top-partner in the vacuum technology industry for the EMEA market customers by promoting our high quality products and by providing an excellent service.
Christopher C. Goebel
Managing Director and CEO of the ULVAC GmbH
Increasing Customer Satisfaction
We are the leading provider of total innovative solutions ready to do whatever it takes whenever needed to meet today’s increasingly complex and advanced production process needs.
Innovation in Production Technology
We are continually seeking innovations in manufacturing technologies such as modularization and unitization through standardization in order to offer products at competitive prices at the earliest stage of our customers product development cycle. Our investment in ongoing innovations in manufacturing technology pays off big by affording us the leverage to underbid the competition.
Development of Original Products
We have developed unique technologies for the production of flat panel displays and semiconductors and are the world leader in device technologies. Our unique focus on technology, from the development of cutting-edge materials to process innovations, is the driving force that has continued to move us forward.
An Organization Built on Vision
Starting from a foundation of research and development that is solidly grounded in an effort to meet the real needs of our customers, we have built an open and supportive organizational structure. Our technological viewpoint encompasses both the ends and the means of the entire production process with a vision of the future that remains focused on the pursuit of innovation and technological excellence. It is our unique and creative team of professionals who make that vision a reality.
Increasing Corporate Value
We aim to increase corporate value with a commitment to industrial and scientific development through the integrated use of technology that will benefit all of our various stakeholders and shareholders.